Thursday, April 23, 2009

believieng for the all fo us

Did you watch 'Knowing' ? Have you heard that the world might end in 2012?

I haven't watched 'Knowing, but I heard about the end of the world - something I once believed.

But no longer do.

Do you really want the end of the world? Not the human race don't deserve it -partly, they do. Destroying the earth. Or maybe, have you ever thought? That all men wanted was a better life for themselves. Why people invented things? For convenience! They once thought that it was good. Only that they did not realise somethings. They didn't know!
The end of the world.
Have you ever thought what it is like? The end of everything. Everything! Everything that man ever made, their achievements -technology, language, monuments list goes on...
Wouldn't you be sad?

It is sad.

So, will you believe? Put the image of a beautiful green future world in your mind. We can make it. Men have achieved so many things, can't we just make this true? Sure, we really can't help it if it does happen. But we can help. Help prevent it.
Firstly, go greener. Greener than you are now. No matter whether you have started or not. Every bit counts.

Have you read 'The Secret' ? If you haven't, you can visit the to see what it's like.

For human kind. For you. For us.

Put the image of a perfect world that goes on.
Because, no matter what, problems are always when miracles happen.

Like in 'The Dark Knight';
One man said:
'The day is dark before dawn'
Or at least something like that.

Believe. We need it.