Friday, March 13, 2009

Robert much as I hate to talk about him.


Sometimes when I think of twilight , I see Rob's face floating in my mind. And it's horrible !!! Seriously! Especially when he's so freak-ily hideous compared to the real Edward.

And guess what?
My sent me a book. Yeah, when I think a book, I go, 'Cool!'.

But it had to be a Robert Pattinson one.

Great. Just great.

I would have sold it off on ebay, only that I don't have my own account there. It would've probably be gone in seconds -right?- seeing that so many clueless girls 'love' Rob P and -which I really can never understand- think of him as Edward.

My mum saw it and I told her about it -selling it on ebay. And she was like, 'That's so mean' -though she didn't actually say that. I know, but after I sold it, I would have given the money back to my penpal. I'm so much a money-aholic.

Anyway, If you're interested, just let me know.

And here are some pictures from the book. You know, I don't really like Jacob Black. But he was right when he said that hate is a passionate emotion. Just look at this! I hate -well, maybe not as strong as hate. Dislike- Robert P. And yet, I took over 50 photos to post here just to condemn him.
What can you say now? It even clogged up my camera's memory ! Perfect. Not!

Oh, and ever notice how he looks like a maniac during signings??


And anyway, I'm really lazy to put up all the pictures here. I'm gonna delete them from my camera as soon as possible too. They're horrible!