I was at the airport recently and there was this shop Thomas Sabo -which before this, I have never heard before- and it sells charms and necklace and bracelets and stuff. I got its flier which was lovely, and I was thinking that if -just if, coz i don't think I could get it now, it's kinda pricy- I ever got a charm bracelet, I would love these charms.

Eternity. For the Cullens, especially Edward.

A snowflake for cold and winter, which I like. And it's just such a coincidence -ok, kind of- that vampires' skin is cold too. Ahhh... LOL!

And finally, a mask. I love these masks, especially those beooutiful ones that people hold over their eyes at fancy dress parties or something, to keep themself anoymous. Ok, I'm kinda loving the old stuff, like in music theory -the baroque, classical and romantic period- , and in English literature -Shakespeare , Jane Austen and those...- and those simply bedazzling beautiful balls -that people dance, not beach ball- and the beautiful gowns. Ahhh..... so beautiful. I think I like Edward's period. His accent, writing... I love calligraphy. A.scarlet.fantasy does too. It includes everything beautiful.
Well, better stop here. Byeii ! ^ ^
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