Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My favourite quote right now.

I was watching gossip girl -I know, I know. You're sick of it now. After reading all I wrote about it. But this is hilarious. At least, to me it was.

Oh! Yeah, and first, I will have to mention my favourite part. Guess which it was? Hint: Season 1.

Ok. It was the scene where B and C were making out. At the back of the limo. Cruising along the night streets of New York.

It was sooooo awesome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is wrong with me. I know, you're probably thinking that.


Kk, back to my fave quote.

B: You sound like a jealous boyfriend.
C: (snorts) Yeah right. You wish.
B: (pauses. Then looks at C and scoffs) No. You wish.
C: (looks at her)Please. You forget who you're talking to.
B: So do you.

B: Do me?
C: (looks at her) Define like.
B: Uh! You've gotta be kidding. I do not believe this.
C: How do you think I feel?
I haven't slept. I feel sick.
Like there's something in my stomach...fluttering! (God!!! I LOVE it when he said 'Fluttering!' !!!!!!)
B: (stares at him with disbelief) Butterflies?
Oh, no no no no no. This is so not happening.
C: Believe me. No one is more ashamed or surprised than I am.
B: Chuck, you know that I adore all of God's creatures, and the metaphors that they inspire.But...those butterflies - have got to be murdered. (nods head encouragingly)
C: (turns to her) Fine. It wasn't that great anyway.
B: Thanks.

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! Murder? Those butterflies?

Don't you get it?? Do you ?

It's hilarious!!!!!!!

Reading gossip girl

I know. I'm Miss Obsession. I might even have OCD -not just the twilight type.


But I know that you still love me.

And I love you too, don't worry.



Gorgeous-ness and sophistication. What more could you ask?

What I want to read.

Though I haven't finish the series yet. :)

GG on my -i know- extremely messy table. Btw, is there a messiest table contest ? Coz I'd win first prize hands down. LOL! :P

The, I mean, my valentines day.

To tell the truth, Friday the 13th was a better day than my valentines. Partly coz valentines day does not have much effect on me.

Anyway, A , who's a really good friend of mine and draws really awesome fashion designers' people, drew a girl each to represent us. And it's gorgeous! Yay! ^ ^

Here is mine.

In my file with my fave quotes from my fave books a.k.a. the twilight saga if you never knew.

Here's another. :)

She's posing with my loves.

My loves posing with her.


And... Eclipse!! ^ ^

Monday, February 23, 2009

gossip girl

God. I am so obsessed with gossip girl now. Especially Chuck and Blair. And this is not just it.

Sophistication ?

Not just that.

But, I decided that I don't quite like gossip girl herself. She's such a sadist! But the shows, and books...the glamour, sophistication etc. I'm hooked. And it's way worse than a crush.


As if I needed yet another obsession.

Thanks a lot.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

When I look at the stars....

...I see, Rainbows??


Anyway, I folded these. And coloured them with cs's highlighter. Thanks soooo much!!:P
And I happen to love my camera.

So here are the pictures.

And maybe, I've improved. Not about my photographing skills,

...but if you want to know, I took over 200 photos on my dad's camera -yes, just on stars- last time. LOL!!

So, enjoy!! ^ ^

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Happy Sweet 16

Happy Sweet Sixteen to me. It's Febuary now. :( Nothing much happened on my birthday itself, the exciting one happened in my class. At first, it seems kinda hard when I realised that I was actually 16. 16 and 17 are such cool ages. LOL!

Well, gotta run. Byeeei!

Monday, February 2, 2009

^ ^

fun quiz for myspace profile and blog

Lets101 Quizzes - Fun Quiz