Friday, November 21, 2008

Where I am

Heya to everyone out there! You would never guess where I am right now. Ok, ok, I am at the airport. Yeah, the airport. No kidding. And yes, and I am not liking it very much. Well, the airport is ok, but the aeroplane -that's what I hate. I guess I've never liked planes, especially when I'm in them. Darn them. I've sweared that if I ever become an inventor, on of the first things I'll invent is a teleport machine or something like that that's less uncomfortable and smelly than airplanes. Ugh.

Ok, thank god that I won't be taking such a long flight this year. So yeah, better go. Seeya. ^ ^

Monday, November 17, 2008

Hear hear !!!! People !

Did you read that ? I'm serious !


I know that I haven't written about my bro -the alien? Remember ?- for quite a while, so well, I've got some updates here.

Firstly, his alien name is 'Mo' . Yeah, just 2 alphabets -Mo. LOL! It's kinda cute, I know. He calls me (coz he speaks alien) 'Do'. Ok, whatever. It's better than my sis 'Po'.

So, last night before we slept, we were kinda like chatting. And I was tired -coz I had friends over and being hols and everything, well, you know. We tend to sleep late.- so I told them, 'I'm going to sleep now.' And guess what he said ! He said, 'I'm going to bleep now.'

Man !!! Which is SO alien talk !! I mean 'Bleep' ! That is so C3-Po (the golden robot or whatever from Star Wars ?) !!! Or was it the other short white-blue one (coz I can't remember it's name right now) ?

But still !!

By the way, extra news. He finally told us that he's from 'Winnie Earth' (Winnie the Pooh's planet or something ???? ) or something that sounded like that. So, yeah.

Jesse McCartney is HOT HOT HOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG ! OMG !!!!! Jesse McCartney is soooooooooooooooooo HOT !!!! And Man !! I'm watching the behind the scenes for the music video 'It's Over' , and there's this one part where he wears this sunglasses and he looks REALLY like Brad Pitt !!!!!! OMG ! OMG !!

Ok, I know. I'm drooling -all over the keyboard ? My mum wouldn't be very please about that. LOL! Ok, but he's hot. Just hot. Like Zac is pretty hot too. And how I like them just stops there. Mine is Edward Cullen. But I like Zac and Jesse's hotness. :P



I'm back. I was away for a while, and I tried to spend my time as well as I could. Anyway, I got further on Shelle's story plus Kia, I read 2 books by Diana Wynne Jones -which is really fantasy-awesome and really suits a.scarlet.fantasy.™ , so I really knida like them- , wrote letters and well, just did stuff I love. Life like this is good!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Mamma mia

I am currently obsessed with Mamma Mia !!! I love the show, and I think that the plot is awesome -something which my dad doesn't agreee, but I think is ok because it's about this girl Sophie who knows that her mum did the wrong thing so she doesn't want to repeat it unlike some others like The Joker, which is good ! :) - and the songs are really good too (I've been probably creating noise pollution by singing them at home ! LOL! ) !!

And Sophie ! Oh, how much I love the actress in the show -Amanda Seyfried- !!! She reminds me so much of Shelle !!!!! ^ ^

Well, I've gotta go now. Seeya!

Breaking the world record !

Wow! I think that we broke the world record today, well, probably. LOL! But at least I know that I broke mine, for wrapping more than a hundred books , in one day. LOL! I'm serious !

Then, during recess, we got $10 from our teacher to share among the 5 of us to buy snacks -which we split so it became $2 each, which I have 50 cents left- and later, when I told my teacher thanks she laughed and said 'No problem!' , which was really nice of her, unlike some bitches (which I'm not going to think about). LOL! So that's about that, I guess.

Monday, November 3, 2008

The butterflies

I made this . :)

This was given to me by the guy who taught me how to make this.

The gold above the rainbow. :)

Actually, I decorated this for my friend.

The rainbow butterfly again.

These are the butterflies that were taught to me by a retired headmaster, which was probably the most interesting talk since we finished our exams and were forced by our school to sit in the hall all day, straining our eyes and ears to watch and listen to boring talks. Why don't they just push the school holidays forward ? Then we'll all be happy -probably including the teachers too. Who knows ? LOL!

School school school

Today at school, we had another darn talks again by some people who came. The first one today was ok (actually, the one I liked best was the one who taught us how to fold butterflies which was cool . Oh, and which reminds me, I'll upload the photos of the butterflies here soon) , but then there was this 'professor' guy who was supposed to have a talk about the universe. But then there were problems with the laptop he was using and it kept getting hanged (at first, I kinda pitied him ...) and he turned out to be talking about weird stuff (my friend got really annoyed and insulted ! LOL! ) like he said that humans came from fishes or something like that.

Ok, then he had to go and talk about global warming -which is actually a topic I love most- and he said it like it was OUR -meaning we student's generation- responsibility to heal the earth . I was SO mad ! ...well, kinda. Coz , I mean it was totally the generation before us who ruined our whole beautiful planet and they want US to repair it ??! Which I also think is kinda late. I think it is reallyunfair, that we are borned into a polluted earth where people expect us to make it the way it was when they were here. Like it is OUR fault that the earth became hotter now than it was 10 years ago. Like it wasn't THEIR fault that the effects of pollution only shows now and not straight away last time. So now, we get a dirty earth and blame.

Man. People suck.

Ok, though I have always done my bit for the environment. I just hope and wish that everyone does too. Please. For our future. For our next generations future. Don't repeat what people before did just because they hurt us.

Like I was watching 'The Dark Knight' a few days ago -and didn't understand it. It was so confusing! - and there was this Joker -whom I personally think is a freak. I also feel like freaking out when I see the 'Why So serious' thingy. It's so Cruel !- who torture people because his father did. I mean, if you didn't like or don't like what others do (or did) to you, DON'T REPEAT IT !!!!!! I mean, you didn't like it yourself, why torture and hurt others too. Like Harvey Dent too. It's really......weird. I mean, if you don't like that person, you won't follow their style. You don't want to become them , do you ????!

Wow. I've said a lot. Ah well, read it if you want. :)

-Liinx C.

Funny pictures

Some random funny pictures I found at bebo. They're really funny ! LOL!

More twilight pictures

The one and only disorder I have. And proud of it. :P

Now you tell me. LOL!

Obviously. Oh, and you need to add a 'my' before life.

How true.