Here are the tattoos I drew on my hand out of boredom in school . I looked kinda like a gangster. LOL! It was on Halloween day . ^ ^ Cullen -my fave vampires. :)
Friday, October 31, 2008
Tattoos !
Posted by Unknown at 22:07 2 comments
Labels: cullen, tattoos, violet strattenfield
About Copying
By the way, if you want or need to copy anything from my page, could you please ASK before doing so ?? As all the things here belongs to me unless stated. I would be really glad to lend them to you, but only if you ask. I'm quite fussy about copyrights, so please ask, is all I'm asking for. Then I'll lend them to you -be it the articles or stories or pictures which are mostly from other sites. Thanks a lot. I'd really appreciate it. :)
Posted by Unknown at 19:47 0 comments
Labels: copying, copyrights
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
The figure
I wrote a new story that day. Here it is, enjoy !
The Figure
It was 3 am . Yellow streetlights lit up the otherwise dark street, where a figure was hurrying along. Suddenly, she paused, rummaged in her overcoat and took out a piece of paper. There were two numbers scrawled on it - 32. She glanced at it for about two seconds, then continued, only this time, she paused at each house to look at their number.
‘28...30.…..32 !’ she muttered.
The next minute, she was scaling over the wall. What she did not know was that the pumpkin was watching her. The jack-o-lantern narrowed its eyes, as it watched her while sitting on top of the neighbour’s wall, where Madison had left it. It had heard her wonder out loud earlier, whether anything would happen, but yet, what it couldn’t understand was she had gone in and sleep, which meant that she wouldn’t get to see anything even if something did happen. Something like this.
The figure had reached the top of the wall. She looked down, and jumped, landing with a soft thud on her feet. Almost like a cat. She got up and made her way over the flowerbed -which was not easy- to the house.
Suddenly, Jack saw something behind her. A translucent figure!
It walked -in a floating kind of way- towards her, then bent towards her ear and whispered, ‘I knew that you’d come-’.
However, before it could say anymore, the girl whipped her head around and screamed!
Jack glared at her, and said, ‘Shut up! You don’t want to wake the whole neighbourhood, do you ?’
The girl was about to scream again when she saw Jack talking, but stopped just in time when she noticed the translucent figure properly. Her eyes went wide.
Then she said, ‘Stephanie!’
‘Hush, Leigh, hush. They don’t know I’m here, but I know that you’d come, so I didn’t wait. Oh, Leigh, it was killing me…’the translucent figure -which appeared to be Stephanie- said, and she and Leigh embraced each other.
Which was somewhat impossible, but they managed it.
‘It killed you, didn’t it?’ Leigh whispered, tears streaming down her cheeks.
Stephanie just nodded.
‘What the heck is going on here?’ said a velvet voice behind Jack.
Jack jumped and spun around, nearly losing his balance because firstly, the wall wasn’t that thick, and secondly, a beautiful vampire was standing there. At first look, no human would have guessed that it was a vampire. Nevertheless, Jack was no human, and that was no ordinary night -it was Halloween, and who else except Leigh, of course, would be out during this unearthly hour- and also because, Jack knew,
‘No fangs, vampy?’ Jack asked jokingly.
The vampire bared its perfect white teeth, then laughed -a musical tinkle- , ‘I didn’t come to hunt, it would’ve only been too obvious, being Halloween and all,’ he replied. ‘By the way, what’s going on here?’
‘I have simply no idea.’ Jack replied, so the vampire shouted -as loud as it could without disturbing the sleeping people- , ‘Hey, you two! What’s going on?’
Leigh and Stephanie turned round, and nearly fainted. Because, the vampire was one of the most bedazzling creatures they had ever seen in their entire lives.
The vampire frowned, then said to Jack, ‘Man, humans are weird!’ , to which Jack replied, ‘That’s only normal,’ , then added, ‘But I think that the translucent one is not human.’
Which was correct, as Stephanie was already a spirit by then. Her body was upstairs, lying peacefully as the rest of the world slept on.
When Leigh caught her breath, she walked together with Stephanie to the wall by the bed of flowers, and the vampire leaped over the wall in one graceful leap, taking Jack under its arm. He landed with no noise, and all that was done in less than a second.
‘Hey girls,’ he greeted them. ‘What are you doing here at this unearthly hour?’ he asked, to which Leigh replied, ‘It’s a long story.’
‘Well, I’m listening, aren’t I ? And so is Jack,’ the vampire said, then added, ’I’m Corro.’ He smiled, nearly giving Leigh a heart attack.
She cleared her throat. ‘Well, it all started-’ then she stopped.
‘Go on,’ Corro urged.
‘It’s not really interesting, the story. It’s just…weird.’
‘Suits Halloween!’ piped in Jack, and so Leigh continued, grinning a little.
‘Ok, so we -’she indicated Stephanie ‘-have known each other since primary school. We were best friends -almost. Then we went to the same high school. We were still friends, then suddenly, none of us knows what happened, but our friendship candle melted right down to the bottom -like there was a time limit for our friendship- and our friendship was like …gone.’
Leigh glanced at Stephanie, who was watching her tell their story through her still visibly hazel eyes. She smiled when Leigh caught her gaze, and Leigh continued.
‘We didn’t know what was happening, and still don’t. I mean, we didn’t fight or anything, nut it was just like, the end. We didn’t even smile when we caught each other’s gazes, it was bizarre!’ Leigh shuddered.
‘Then there was graduation, and still nothing. Two years passed, and the next thing I knew, I got a call from Stephanie’s sister a week ago. She told me that-’ Leigh paused.
‘She said that …Stephanie was ill. She was dying. She asked me to come.’ Leigh put her face in her hands.
‘I wondered what to do. I was a coward…’
‘Don’t say that! You aren’t!’ interrupted Stephenie.
Leigh smiled at her, saying thanks, but I don’t really need that, with her eyes, and continued.Jack and Corro looked on intently.
‘Yes, I was a coward. It took me five days -five whole days!- to make up my mind. But yes, I did the right thing -I hope- , I came. Yet, I had to come at night. Which is weird, I know, sorry Steph.’ Leigh stopped, but Stephanie continued, ‘But you came, yes, you came. That’s all I would’ve wanted. And here we are . And that’s -’ Stephenie looked up at Corro and Jack, ‘-the story.’
‘One more day with you…’ Leigh whispered, but all three heard her.
Leigh was right. The next day, Stephenie’s mum went into Stephenie’s room, and touched her. Her body was cold.
Her mum’s legs gave way beneath her and she crumpled to the ground, tears running down her cheeks, and never stopped till someone found her.
She knew that Stepahnie had been sick for a ling time, and she knew that Stephanie had kept up for much longer than everyone had expected. Still, her death came as a shock, as all deaths do.
By that time, Stephanie’s spirit was gone too. So was the vampire. The candle inside Jack had blown out, and all that was left were only three dark holes when Madison when to collect it in the morning. And once again, she wondered if anything had happened.
But nobody knew. Nobody, except a figure, with tears streaming down her cheeks, making her way back home.
Posted by Unknown at 03:09 0 comments
Labels: story, the figure, writing
Love Story by Taylor Swift
Here's Taylor Swift's video. I'm currently into ballroom dancing -though I can't dance myself, unless I can ?? I've never tried- , it's so beautiful !
Posted by Unknown at 03:06 0 comments
Labels: ballroom, dance, love story, taylor swift, video
I'm reading...
I'm currently reading a book called 'The Star of Kazan' by -i'll have to check her name. LOL!
It's pretty good, it won a silver medal. Which is good !
It's really , sort of fantasy like, except with lot of reality thrown in, which makes it kinda sad. It is situated in Eastern Europe -I've been there ! :) - , Vienna, Germany etc. I've been seeing lots of stuff on these countries these few days -we watched 'The Sound Of Music' in school today . LOL! But it's cool . I like it there, it's sooooo beautiful. I'll be there next time. :)
Posted by Unknown at 01:52 0 comments
Labels: the star of kazan
gossip girl
I kinda like gossip girl now. Especially Serena. She's like so hot, so popular, ok, and maybe WAS , a slut , but she's nice. She's like out to tell everyone that all you see outside is not all, they're so many things inside -her bro.- that you don't know. So in a sort of way, we should really get to know people and not hate them first.
People -ok, my friends- think that gossip girl is all about cat-fights, bitches, sex, boys etc etc. But I've found another way of looking -actually, I've already looked at it from this perspective ever since I read the book- which is what I explained about Serena, she's not really all you see. It's like there's this girl in school -popular, hot, rich... But she still might have her ups and downs which you don't know. Just ask them. Anyone -if you dare, coz it might , no, it is weird.
Ah well, that's just what I think.
Anyway, you know you love me. xoxo
Posted by Unknown at 01:11 0 comments
Labels: gossip girl, serena, serena van der woodsen
Thursday, October 23, 2008
About Kia
The next time I come, I might post some things about Kia - wanna sneak peak her diary ? And no, I did not steal it ! Of course not !
Well, firstly, Kia is like super gorgeous -model like looks plus body ,ah well, everything in a.scarlet.fantasy is beautiful - but then .....
Read on next time ! :p
Violet S.
Posted by Unknown at 03:11 0 comments
The silver stag
There's the silver stag, it's probably either Harry's patronous or James's animagus form.
And there're the butterflies and my beautiful necklace. :)
Posted by Unknown at 01:30 0 comments
Labels: a scarlet fantasy, butterfly, Harry Potter's patronous, James animagus, necklace, silver stag, stag
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
The beginning
So, now, firstly , I'm going to explain the meaning of the url of this blog, which is - ifospotted.
It is actually 2 words - IFO spotted. I know that you're probably wondering what IFO stands for, and here I am going to tell you .
IFO , stands for 'Identified Flying Object' , which is -as you can see- identified, rather than unidentified -UFO ? Ring a bell ?
Anyway, this all started with my brother (sort of), who's an alien. Seriously ! He has his own alien language, which I still cannot understand even though he stays with me -if you want to know how it's like living with an alien (his species) , it's annoying . Very. Trust me, you wouldn't want to ever live with one, especially when his in a not-so-good mood.
Ok, back to what I was saying. It all started during dinner one night -we eat in the garden :P- when we saw something in the sky and we were like all excited.
'A UFO !' my mum told us.
And my bro. , trying to annoy us as usual, said , 'No, it's an IFO !'
And that's how I knew he was an alien. I mean, normal people (ok, if we're 'normal') wouldn' recognize it . And that means that if He recognized it, it might be his spaceship ! Wow ! That's so awesome -as it means he can go back to his planet (whatever and wherever it is) and I can maybe live in peace. But no, he insisted on staying .
Hi everyone,
This is my first and only blog, which means that this is also my first posting (duh) and yeah . In my blog, I'm gonna talk about all things that can be categorized as 'fantasy'. But they are true, it's just up to you to believe them or not , so if you're interested , keep reading . :)
Posted by Unknown at 01:12 0 comments